The Mysterious Tale of Niihau: Hawaii’s ‘Forbidden Island’

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When you think of Hawaii, images of crystal blue water, soft beaches, and endlessly sunny days probably flit through your mind. However, Hawaii is a site of rich cultural history and holds many wonderful tales within its sacred lands. There are plenty of mythological stories, sacred temples, and even a forbidden island located within the islands of Hawaii. That’s right, there’s much more to Hawaii than you know.

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You may have heard of the secret, forbidden island of Ni’ihau. If you haven’t heard of it, prepare to be amazed by the following tale. Read on to find out why this island is forbidden and how it came to be that way. You’ll probably pick up some other interesting tidbits about the Hawaiian Islands along the way!

The Woman, the Myth, the Legend

Elizabeth “Eliza” McHutchenson is an important piece of the forbidden island’s puzzle. Born in Scotland in the year 1800, Eliza went on to marry a ship captain named Francis Sinclair in the year 1824. The two had six children together. As if their hands weren’t full enough already, after the birth of their sixth child, Eliza and Francis decided to hit the open seas and begin a new life in New Zealand.

Though they didn’t realize it at the time, this decision to travel to New Zealand would drastically alter the course of their family history.

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