The Most Incredible Photos Taken In Planes

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Traveling via plane makes a thrilling adventure as you embark on your new journey. Whether you’re flying for a business trip or a vacation with your loved ones, the thought of exploring new cities, new cultures and new people is more than enough to keep you giggling with excitement. And while on-board your flight, you get to experience some hilarious moments. Believe it or not, sometimes an airplane can house crazy moments with odd characters. Check out these incredible photos captured in planes:

Reality Hurts

Any parent can relate to the reality of this photo. With kids in tow, this is a normal scenario, not only when traveling, but in any situation. We’re just glad that this daddy is so patient that his toddler used his head as a couch so he could oversee the other passengers onboard the plane.

If this situation lasted for an hour, we wouldn’t blame the father for being angry afterward. Stiff neck, anyone? Well, this is part of parenthood and for one to survive, you need patience, strength, and understanding. Lots of all of the above, actually. Parenthood is tough, bittersweet love after all. But we do it for the kids.

Another One?

As much as we want everyone on-board a flight to show some respect and concern for other passengers, there are few who would rather steal the show.

We cannot fathom why this particular passenger displayed such odd behavior. Where in the world can you sleep in such a strange position. Well, obviously in this plane. One thing’s for sure, the people seated next to this weirdo are irritated to the max. Why? No words needed. The photo itself explains a lot. That’s why we cannot blame airline management for being so strict with their rules and regulations.

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Motorsport · Travel Tips · World Scenery

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