The Cutest and Most Unlikely Pairs of Animal Pals on the Internet

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Humans form friendships, based on a number of a reasons: You meet someone that you instantly hit it off with at school or work, you laugh together, you complain together, and you gradually become the greatest of friends. But what about these adorable furry friends? How did they meet? Let’s find out, as we take a look at some of the cutest pictures ever taken..

Seeing Spots

If someone were to show you this image from far away, you may assume that you were looking at a Dalmatian dog and its puppy, since these two animals share a very similar-looking coat. But, that’s no puppy – it’s a baby lamb! This beautiful Dalmatian, Zoe, was super excited when she met her little lamb friend, most likely because she too thought that it was a little version of herself. But even after she discovered that this newly born lamb wasn’t a dog, she didn’t want to leave its side.

Julie Bolton adopted the young lamb after it was rejected and left by its mother. She took the animal home and introduced it to Zoe, who now actually believes that she’s the lamb’s mom. Bolton claims that Zoe acts “maternally” with the lamb, being protective over her and washing her up.

Tiger Babies and Their Chimpanzee Mom

These gorgeous white tiger babies were uprooted from their home after it was flooded in the middle of a huge storm, and unfortunately, this caused them to split up with their mom. But an animal caretaker with a huge heart and a spunky little chimpanzee named Anja decided to take them in. Anja believes that she has adopted the cubs, and she cares for them like they are her own children.

Anja the chimpanzee is incredibly sweet, and she absolutely adores looking out for her two new tiger children. Since Anja’s caretakers rescue all sorts of animals, this isn’t the first time she has stepped in to help out, but there is something special about her relationship with the big kitties.

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