Surprising Items You Can’t Pack in Your Carry-On

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Though policies always change and improve, most of us frequent-fliers are up to date on what we can or can’t take onto a flight with us when it comes to our hand luggage. Every country has slightly different rules and regulations about what can and cannot be brought on board, but as a general rule, liquids, sharp objects, and flammable are banned. Then, there are other random miscellaneous items that you may not realize that you can’t bring on flights within the United States. Here’s some of them…we’re sure you’ll be as surprised as we were.

Snow Globes

Whether you collect them or want to bring back a gift for your loved ones from vacation – snow globes are always a good option. Considering they’re a fragile item, you’ll probably want to bring them on-board with you, right? Well, you’ll have to wrap it up and hope for the best as the liquid in most snow globes exceeds the maximum of 100ml!

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Though most foods are safe to bring on board, substances like peanut butter and jams are considered liquid. That being said, you may still be able to get these spreads and others on board if they are in a container that is less than 100ml! So, make sure you don’t bring any large jars as you’ll likely get them confiscated.


Gel Insoles

Everyone has experienced taking off their shows going through security at one point or another, right? Have you ever considered the insoles you may have in your shoes? In recent years, any gel insoles exceeding the 3.4-ounce weight limit may be confiscated! So if your insoles are vital to you, consider taking them out before heading to the airport.

Protein Powder

In June 2018, a law was passed that powdered substances like protein powder, spices, and coffee must be limited to no more than 12 ounces. If you’re set on carrying these items with you, you can put them in little sachets rather than larger boxes and containers.

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