A Tween Girl’s Dream Birthday: Seaside Lunch on the Amalfi Coast

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At Fathom, we believe it’s never too early to start traveling or to start talking about it. Our young Parisian friend Lila had a special family lunch on the Amalfi Coast the day before her 13th birthday. Here’s her story (English is not her first language) — and her amazing photos.

POSITANO, Italy – I’m French, I’m thirteen, and I live in Paris. This summer, I had an amazing lunch at Il San Pietro in Positano.

My mother took me and my 11-year-old brother on vacation with her friends on the Amalfi Coast. A few days before my 13th birthday, the three of us took an hour-long boat ride to Positano to have lunch at the restaurant where my grandfather had taken my mother when she was my age. It was sort of a generation-to-generation trip.

Positano looks like a wedding cake. Once in the city, we walked up the pastel-colored streets to a lovely church at the top of the village. After a gelato (caramel, my favorite flavor), we headed back down to the sea for lunch.

We took an elevator up through the rocks to get to San Pietro’s magnificent restaurant, which had amazing views of the sea. The decoration was harmonious, the food was delightful, and the service was perfect.

Spaghetti at Il San Pietro

Lobster at Il San Pietro


The amuse-bouche they served everyone was a small but filling bread and tomato soup with little pieces of beef. For entrée, my brother and I had a simple and delicious spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce covered in a snow of parmesan. My mother had a very handsome-looking lobster.

For dessert, we shared a plate of petit-fours, marshmallows covered in coconut, and crunchy caramel cookies with berries. After lunch, we drank berry smoothies outside on the terrace in the bright sunshine. I admired the view and took pictures.

We took the elevator back down and were picked up by sea. After a while, we stopped, dropped anchor, and jumped off the boat. It was so fun and we were all so happy. I can’t wait to do it again.


You wish your photos were as good as this kid’s.


Il San Pietro
Via Laurito, 2
Positano, Italy

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