Daily 8 kinds of food better than Viagra

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What should be done when a man meets an erectile dysfunction? I believe there are a lot of men have been a part of this problem, today to the inventory of with below 8 kinds of food can make you revive the glory.

1, cocoa

Cocoa contains antioxidants called flavonoids that help maintain cardiovascular health. At the same time, the flavonoids can increase blood flow and improve the level of nitric oxide in the blood, which is conducive to better erection. A lot of friends are in hurry to buy chocolate? But it is worth noting that, compared to higher sugar and fat content of milk chocolate, chocolate contains more flavonoids is a better choice for the majority of friends.


2, red wine

A glass of red wine can make people more relaxed, red wine antioxidant substances in the blood vessels to relax the instructions, so that blood vessels to dilate, increase blood flow of the blood vessels in the genitals, thereby enhancing the erectile function. But do not drink more, or it may cause erectile dysfunction become more serious.

3, oyster

Oysters are a good choice if you want to raise testosterone (a male hormone whose role is to stimulate male sexual desire). Oysters contain a variety of nutrients, it can also improve the zinc content of male body.

4, strawberry

Strawberry and dark chocolate is great combination naturally, which contains flavonoids similar, can alleviate erectile dysfunction. Vitamin C in strawberry can also increase the number of sperm.

5, watermelon

Watermelon coralline can ease blood pressure, helps to enhance sexual function, and the therapeutic effects of drugs like.

6, nuts

The nut is not only a kind of snacks, according to a study showed that arginine in walnuts can enhance sexual function, but also conducive to the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

7, pear

3 times a week to eat pears, can help reduce the risk of impotence in 19%, and anti-ageing effects.

8, garlic

The mouth of the garlic will greatly undermine the person’s mood, but many people do not know is that garlic is called “vascular scavenger, which can prevent and reduce the accumulation of fatty plaques in arteries, to promote blood circulation, improve erectile function.

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