Trinidad a Charming World Heritage City in Cuba.

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Trinidad is the old colonial city that was built on the 16th-century on sugar and slave trade that got added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1988. Nowadays, it is overrun by foreign tourists but luckily it still seems like time has stopped here since its glory days.

When the economy in Trinidad was booming back in the 19th century it had more than 56 sugar mills located around the city and  helped the city to become one of the richest cities in Cuba. This enormous wealth shaped the town and no expense was spared in building some of the most stunning Spanish colonial mansions, plazas, and churches which most of them still stand today.

So by far the best thing to do in Trinidad is just to wander around the city by foot (a lot of streets are closed for car traffic) and get lost. Even if the city holds a few obvious sights,  the charm lays in the backstreets. If you get tired of walking around the stone Cobbled backstreets can you easily head to one of the best beaches in Cuba, that are located only 20 min away.

Locals hanging out on a street corner.

The most famous sight in Trinidad is the town square, Plaza Mayor with The Holy Trinity Church in the heart of Trinidad.
The Church of the Holy Trinity was built between 1817 and 1892 on the site of a previous church that dated all the way back to the 17th century but was destroyed by a cyclone.

The Holy Trinity Church in the heart of Trinidad with the Casa de Musica on the right side.

On the right side of the Holy Trinity Chruch is where the “musical stairs” and Casa de musica are located. The stairs are the most popular wifi spot in Trinidad and the bars in the middle of the stairs hosts live music every evening, with locals dancing salsa.

The musical stairs and the most popular WIFI hotspot in Trinidad, the place gets completely crowded in late evening

Like in Havana and all other Cuban city you will see locals posing for photos around the town square. Cubans has to be some of the most photogenic people on earth.

Here are two locals posing for a photo around Plaza Mayor

One of the locals hanging out at Plaza Mayor.
Another one of the locals hanging out at Plaza Mayor.

The second most famous landmark in Trinidad is the Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco (Museo Nacional de Lucha Contra Bandidos/National Museum of the Struggle against Bandit.)  They yellow and green bell tower was built back in 1813, turned into a Church in the mid 18th and later in a prison.

But today it’s a museum showing the history of the war 1961 – 1969 between the USA sponsored anti-revolution group and the Fidel revolution soldiers. There’s a peace of the American U-2 spy plane that got shot down in the hills surrounding Trinidad in october 1962.
For 1 CUC you can climb the bell tower and get a great view of the city.

Trinidad is the Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco (Museo Nacional de Lucha Contra Bandidos/National Museum of the Struggle against Bandit.

When you finally get tired of walking around on the stone Cobbled backstreets you should head to La Casa de la Canchánchara, to try the famous drink Canchánchara. Personally I would prefer a ice cold beer, but visiting Trinidad without trying the famous Canchánchara would be like going to France and don’t drink wine or going to Mexico and not try Tequila, it just had to be done.

Canchánchara is made of 2 oz of aguardiente, 2 spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and ice, best drank off from a clay mug.

The Canchánchara drink at La Casa de la Canchánchara.

Playa Ancon one of the prettiest beaches in Cuba.

The Paradise beach of Playa Ancon. Can´t call it overcrowded.

One the prettiest beaches in Cuba is located just a short 15min Taxi ride from Trinidad. A private Taxi will charge you 8 CUC each way, a shared taxi will set you back 2 CUC.

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