The love of the Spring City—–Baotu Spring in Jinan

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Jinan, the capital of Shandong province, is a prosperous and long-history city which is known as “the city of springs”. There are 72 famous springs in Jinan, among which the most immortalized is Baotu Spring.


Hanging around the Baotu Spring Park, a natural rock and spring garden, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the beautiful scenery, you’re definitely in the most relaxing time of your life. Here Baotu Spring awaits you. Baotu Spring is regarded as “ the first spring under heaven”. The spring water spurts out in three prongs, just like three piles of snow. Furthermore, there are a great number of small springs hiding at the bottom of the pond. So you can see a string of bubbles like a string of pearls rising, and shining. The spring water is so pure and sweet that it is optimum for drinking and making tea. Every year, there are thousands of tourists visiting here and scrambling for the delicious water, so you’d better not miss the unforgotten experience——sitting under the “Watching Crane Pavilion” in the east side of the spring with a cup of tea in hand, one’s mind will fly faraway and hates to leave.


In Chinese history, water has been regarded as the symbol of wisdom in a sense, with its flexibility and persistence. Through a visit for Baotu Spring, you can not only gain a happy experience, but also the deep thoughts about your life. The love for “the Spring City” can be endless, it’s your turn to enjoy it!

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