On the Way to Molokai

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The sands are golden colored and empty of tourists at Papohaku Beach on Moloka'i

As you read this, I’ll be on my way to Molokai for the second time in my life. Alan and I first visited The Friendly Isle several years ago when we rented a cottage for a week of pure relaxation. To say that we fell in love with Molokai is an understatement.

My current Molokai trip is sponsored by Molokai Visitors Bureau. And the itinerary includes a couple of very special adventures:

  • I’m especially excited about the Halawa Valley Cultural Experience that features a hike with Anakala Pilipo Solatorio to a private waterfall. Anakala is the last living Hawaiian descendant to be born and raised in Halawa Valley. And he still lives there.
  • But I’m a little nervous about the donkey ride with Kalaupapa Rare Adventure to visit Kalaupapa National Historical Park, the area of Molokai where exiled leprosy patients (Hansen’s Disease) lived out their lives.

Since Alan and I talk about returning for another week of rest and relaxation on Molokai, I’ll be taking notes about dining opportunities because those are few and far between on this untouristed Hawaiian Island. And I’ll be scoping out Hotel Molokai for those of you who prefer a hotel over vacation rentals—it’s the only hotel on Molokai.

Kawailli Beach in the Halawa Valley of Molokai.

Kawailli Beach in the Halawa Valley

Of course there will be trips to a secret beach or two plus a “hot bread run” to Kanemitsu Bakery. Sounds like a couple of good stories to me.

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