Why You Should Always Pack a Shower Cap When Traveling

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Someone holds a shower cap

The trick to an amazing trip lies not just in the destination, but in the preparation as well. Knowing how to pack your suitcase can make your travel experience significantly better in more ways than one, and one of the best hacks comes in the form of a shower cap.

Table of Contents

Why a Shower Cap Belongs in Your Suitcase
More Genius Packing Tips
Repurpose Your Glasses Case
Bring a Bag For Dirty Laundry
Reduce Odor With Dryer Sheets

Why a Shower Cap Belongs in Your Suitcase

Two shower caps hanging in a bathroom

Figuring out how to pack shoes is one of the most difficult aspects of packing. Your shoes are in constant contact with the grime and dirt of the streets, so you don’t want them mingling with the clean clothes in your suitcase. The easiest way to solve this problem? Use a shower cap to wrap your shoes before you pack them.

Wrapping your shoes in a shower cap prevents the grime on the bottom of your shoes from dirtying your clothes and ruining the inside of your suitcase. A shower cap acts as a barrier, keeping the dirt confined to the shoes and away from your clothes.

More Genius Packing Tips

An open suitcase someone is packing

Packing efficiently involves a range of strategies and hacks that can make your travels a breeze. Whether it’s determining how to pack shoes or how to keep your clothes smelling fresh, the correct packing techniques will make your trip so much better. Here are some more tips that will help you solve the puzzle of how to pack a suitcase to keep your things clean and organized before and during your travels.

Repurpose Your Glasses Case

Your old glasses case can serve as a fantastic storage compartment for small, delicate items like jewelry. Glasses cases are typically hard-shelled and sturdy, providing a protective barrier against potential damage. Beyond jewelry, these cases can also house other small items like USB sticks, earbuds, or even spare change.

Bring a Bag For Dirty Laundry

It’s inevitable—your clothes will get dirty during your trip. So, how do you manage this without letting the dirty clothes soil the clean ones? Simply bring a spare bag for these clothes, whether it’s a mesh laundry bag or even an old grocery bag. An extra bag is easy to pack and will take up minimal room in your suitcase.

Reduce Odor With Dryer Sheets

Before closing your suitcase for the last time on your way to the airport, don’t forget to throw in a few dryer sheets. These are your best bet to ensure your clothes always smell fresh and clean, no matter how long your journey. They can also reduce static electricity and help with minor wrinkles in your clothes.

If you’re wondering how to pack a suitcase without getting your things dirty, there are plenty of easy solutions out there. Not only will these tips keep your suitcase tidy and your clothes clean, but they’ll also make unpacking a breeze.

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Travel Tips

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