Get The Party Started – Party Brazil Phrasebook GIVEAWAY

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Is there anything more crazy and exhilarating than traveling to a new country during the midst of a major event? I mean travel is always pretty exciting – but it really gos up a notch where there is a major holiday, festival, or international event going on at the same time.

Brazil is already well known for being a crazy party destination. So can you just imagine how crazy it will be during the Soccer World Cup? Madness. Pure madness.

So are you going to Brazil during the Soccer World Cup?

If you are then listen up – have I got the giveaway for YOU.

If you are going to an exotic destination – one where English is not widely spoken – then you will probably want to arm yourself with a good phrase book to help you get by.

And even though I am sure your Portuguese gets pretty freaking amazing after you have a couple (or many) drinks, a good phrase book may still be helpful when you are drunkenly stumbling back to your hotel and need to ask some helpful stranger for directions.

But this phrase book isn’t any ordinary phrase book. This phrase book was specially created just for those going to the Soccer World Cup.

For starters it has an entire section called Futebol Arte ( The Beautiful Game ), which is, you guessed it, all about soccer. Not only does this chapter have some extremely useful phrases, such as: “Esquece a Espanha. Elas so passam a bola de um lado pra outro” (Fuck Spain, all they do is pass the ball back and forth!) But it also includes vital information and statistics about each country playing in the World Cup, as well as short bios for each player on Team Brazil. Also important, are the guides to the different stadiums where the World Cup will be played.

So although the book does stand out in the extensive information if also presents, lets face it, you want this book so you can get your Portuguese on. And of course, as a World Cup themed book there are lots of soccer themed phrases to choose from…

such as…

Esse numero 10 e uma descraca – Number 10 is a disgrace to my team

Que porra de passe foi aquele? – What the fuck kind of play was that?

O juiz e um filho da puta – The ref is a son of a bitch

But it’s not all about the game. There also some great phrases for a after party, the before party, and every party in between.

Esquece o jogo, quero dacar – Forget the game, I wanna dance

Vamos pegar uma cerva estupidamente gelada – Let’s grab a ridiculously cold brew

And there is of course, the obligatory “pick up lines” section. But unlike other phrase books, the “romance” section in this book also has a whole section on how to….ummm… barter for some “paid” company. There are also translations for intimate acts I never even knew existed….. but I wont give any examples here because frankly, I’m afraid of the search traffic it would bring in….

So let’s get in the spirit! Want to win yourself a copy?

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