Facebook is developing its own Camera App with Live Streaming Features

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Team from Facebook engineers in London is working on a stand-alone application for camera focusing on live broadcasts of video, according to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). This new application should encourage the capture and posting photos and video. At the moment it is only a prototype and may never be released for general use according to the report:

A prototype of the app developed by Facebook’s “friend-sharing” team in London opens to a camera, similar to disappearing photo app Snapchat, the people said. Another planned feature allows a user recording video through the app to begin live streaming, they added… People familiar with the matter said the camera app under consideration is also intended to spur creation. The content could then be shared to Facebook or its other properties, including Instagram.

The company launched Facebook Camera, a standalone application for photos in 2012, before the acquisition of Instagram, but two years later the project has ended for good.

Now from Facebook again illustrated its significant investment in mobile video, which the company sees as the future of social networking. With 1.6 billion users sharing more than ever, a new camera application can help the company compete better with Snapchat and other video-oriented services.

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