Redefining Beauty

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“Beauty comes from within makeup can only accentuate one’s features, but it’s the personality that can carry it through” – Davinia Fermi, Professional Makeup Artist

In today’s media driven society, we are constantly confronted with constructed notions of what it is to be Beautiful. Technology has enabled re-touching and digitalisation to such a point that beauty, as defined by movie stars and models in magazines, is an almost impossible target for most women because it simply isn’t REAL. Yesterday I saw Dove’s latest marketing campaign, where they used the concept of “selfies” to help teenage girls and their mothers re-define their notions of beauty and it made me think about myself, and what I think beauty is.

A Bit About Me

I’m a 21 year old Australian woman with thick, long brown hair, hazel eyes, a slightly olive complexion and a face full of freckles. I happen to be quite content with how I look, but this wasn’t always the case. Even now I wouldn’t rush to call myself “beautiful”; But why not? I love to hear it from someone else as much as the next person, yet I seem to think that there is some taboo against thinking it of ourselves; as if this instantly makes us vain when in all honesty, thinking of ourselves as beautiful is one of the most empowering things we can do.

I thought I would share some personal thoughts and experiences, about how I have come to be comfortable in my own skin, and how I have learnt to see myself as beautiful in the hope that it will assist others in making that realisation of themselves because we all, have the potential to be beautiful, if only we embrace it.

Having Good Role Models

I was very lucky to grow up in a family of older women. I have two beautiful big sisters, 8 and 11 years older than me respectively, along with my Mother. My sisters helped me understand the importance of looking after my skin from a young age, and passed on a lot of handy tips and tricks of the trade which has (along with the luck of the gene pool) definitely helped me avoid going through acne or other skin problems through my teenage years. They are also very grounded women, women who I’ve always respected and seen as beautiful with or without a face full of makeup.

Look for women around you who you think of as beautiful, note how they look with and without makeup and think about whether your opinion changes of them either way. Get out of the tabloids and look at some female leaders and thought provokers. Our image of beauty within society is often warped by what we see in movies and in magazines, start looking at the women around you, you might be surprised with what you find.

Being Comfortable Without Makeup

Mum never let me wear makeup to school. This rule, whilst seemingly unfair at the time, helped me realise that no one really noticed, and the people that did were often the ones who were most insecure in themselves. By waiting until I was older before a “makeup routine” became part of my day-to-day life, I learnt to be comfortable in my own skin, and realise that the friends I had liked me the way I was and anyone who did tease, taunt or comment was not worth worrying over.

It’s always hard to be the brunt of other people’s cruelty, however I’ve learnt that the people willing to spend their time with nasty comments, or worrying over other people’s appearances are the ones with the lowest self confidence in themselves. Be kind to others, recognise other’s kindness towards you and try and let slide any negative comments that come your way.

My Beauty Routine

I make a point of wearing very minimal make-up. I won’t lie, often I do feel more confident and “feminine” when wearing a bit of mascara and lippy, but I’ve learnt to let the makeup accentuate my features, rather than alter the way I look.

I wear mineral foundation and bronzer with a tad of eye shadow, kohl pencil and mascara. The whole routine takes me about 5 minutes of a morning and the difference is very slight. What this means is that whilst I feel more confident, others can’t easily tell whether or not I’m wearing makeup which means on make-up free days (of which I make a point of having a couple of days every week) I don’t feel self conscious, even if out and about, at work or at University.

I’ve known a number of women who were very self conscious and felt “naked” without makeup and would never be caught dead without it. If this rings true, I would recommend moving slowly into reducing the amount you wear, a couple of days a week when your social interactions are limited, and then once you are comfortable with this take small steps to taking one or two “makeup free days” a week. These days don’t just help boost confidence, they also help your skin breath and will help clear the skin of any impurities, also helping you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Am I Beautiful

I’ve never been a head turner, but that’s okay. I’m confident in who I am and how I look and I honestly believe that a genuine smile is the best make-up a girl can wear. My partner of 3 years has never really been one to compliment me on my appearance, but that’s also okay, because instead he compliments my intelligence, and laughs at my jokes. I know he loves me for who I am, rather than for trying to fit in some social mould of “beautiful”, and I also know he does find me beautiful, just doesn’t feel the need to express it because, as he has said himself, “that’s not what matters, who you are is what matters”. It’s so true. Beauty isn’t some untouchable goal, it’s how you perceive it. As one beautiful woman one said:

“For beautiful Eyes, look for the good in others, for beautiful lips speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone”

– Audrey Hepburn

So forgetting other people’s opinions, and creating my own definition, do I think I’m beautiful?


I believe I am a beautiful person, and how I look only makes up a small part of that, as it does for the 3.5 billion, beautiful women out there in the world.

So tell me, how do you define beauty, and can you see yourself as the beautiful person you are?

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