Latest Google +1 News

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WSJ: Google Spending Billion on Satellites to Cover Earth in Wi-Fi

Google +1
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Google plans to spend over $ 1 billion on a fleet of satellites that will be used to provide internet to parts of the world that currently lack digital connections. According to "people familiar with the project …

Google Street View – Pan-American Trek – Alberta!
Google +1
Image by kevin dooley
Google Street View, Pan-American Trek.

More of gorgeous Alberta, between Banff and Canmore on Trans Canada Highway 1.

Portait of my Green eyes cat – 1 month kitten
Google +1
Image by Megathon Charlie
Caméra Panasonic DMC-FZ8
Exposition 0,067 sec (1/15)
Ouverture f/2.8
Longueur focale 6 mm
Vitesse ISO 100


Google changes logo by '1' pixel

Google +1
Mumbai: Strange, but true, Google has redesigned their logo by a few pixels and we bet you did not even notice it. Gizmodo reported that Google has redesigned the logo and has realigned the two letters 'g and l' by a pixel. Here are the two logos …

On Day 1 of European Take-Down Site, Google Hit by Wave of Requests

Google +1
Google received more than 12,000 requests in Europe from individuals looking to delete certain search results linked to their own name in the initial hours after posting an online form to take the requests, a person familiar with the matter said as the …

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