Kritische Lichter und Schatten – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5

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Kritische Lichter und Schatten – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5

Ist ein Foto nicht optimal belichtet, verlieren helle und dunkle Bereiche schnell ihre Zeichnung. Wie man solche kritischen Stellen retten kann, zeigt Ihnen …
adobe Video Rating: 5 / 5

Adobe y Ladrillo_0076
Image by Omar Omar

Adobe y Ladrillo,
Mexicali, Baja California, México.

How do I stop adobe reader from going page to page instead of continuous?

On my adobe reader as soon as i get to the bottom of a page it Forces me to go to the top of the next one. I like to continuously press the down button, so the line I am reading is at top. How do I keep adobe from switching pages?

adobe best answer:

Answer by TDawg
What version are you using? I’m using Adobe Reader 9 and it doesn’t do that.

Image by dani.granatta
Adobe Live! 2007, IFEMA, Madrid / Momentos previos al inicio de mi conferencia (Foto cortesía de Jorge)

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