The best breakfast sandwich ever

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Hi friends! Thank you so much for the sweet hair compliments and for letting me know what you’re up to this month ? Hope you’re having an amazing September so far <3

When I was in LA a few weeks ago for the IDEA conference, I had the BEST breakfast sandwich I think I’ve ever had. We stayed downtown, which I learned the hard way doesn’t have a ton of shopping or awesome food options nearby — a lot of places were cab distance but not quite walking distance. I also found out that walking around Downtown LA by yourself is a little creepy. I did what I usually do and wore sunglasses, pretended like I knew where I was going (I kept repeating the directions in my head while I walked), and tried to find something local and delicious for my first meal, which happened to be after a mind-blowing 3-hour nap. 

There was a Huffington Post article featuring some eats near the conference and when I saw “Badasserie” I knew that was one the one.


It was an all-vegan spot -I’m not vegan, but I love vegan food and restaurants- and the breakfast sounded out of this world. I was kind of surprised when I got to the location of Localita’s that it wasn’t a full-up restaurant but rather a food stand in a small storefront. Whenever I’m at a new place, I’ll usually ask the servers what they recommend. The guy working the counter suggested his favorite: a vegan sausage breakfast sandwich with “cheese” and maple syrup. Done and done.


The idea was simple: super savory with a hint of sweetness, but it’s a combo I don’t often enjoy in my usual breakfast rotation.

Bfast sandwich  1 of 1

I’ve recreated it just a few times at home….

Bfast sandwich  1 of 1 2

This isn’t really a “recipe” (just take your favorite English muffin, toast it, add sausage of choice, cheese and drizzle maple syrup), but definitely a combo worth sharing.

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Some more of my favorite breakfasts:

Breakfast cookie dough cereal

Cookie cereal  1 of 1

The breakfast cookie (and baked version)

Bfast cookie ingredients 2 class egg burrito (with sriracha and turkey bacon)

Egg burrito

Perfect protein pancakes

Protein pancakes  1 of 1 5

What’s in your current breakfast rotation? What’s the best restaurant breakfast you’ve had? We’re crazy about the brunch at Loew’s Ventana Canyon. Desserts, BBQ salmon and a Bloody Mary bar ?

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