Sweet potato chicken salad

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For having a husband who flies planes for a living, I don’t really love flying. I see it as a necessary evil, and while I don’t have full-blown panic attacks or anything like that, it’s not my favorite thing. With every sound I’m convinced that something will happen, and each flight usually involves at least 1800 “Hail, Mary” prayers. When I flew back from LA a month or so ago, the woman next to me was chatting about her Disney conference, the turbulence was awful, and the entire time I was white-knuckling the arm rest hoping we wouldn’t go down. 

Flying internationally is a liiiiiitle different than domestic. We flew Lufthansa, and the longest flight (Atlanta to Germany) was as comfortable as they could possibly make it. Free movies and TV, Wi-Fi access, hot meals (which were surprisingly delicious) and complimentary cocktails/wine.

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At one point, a flight attendant was walking down the aisle with two bottles of wine saying “White or red? White or red?” It was pretty glorious. While our flights to Italy were awesome, the flights back were all very turbulent with the storms. The Pilot was trying to sleep so I couldn’t keep asking him what was happening, so my Zen mantra was just thinking about how excited I was to see Livi. It definitely worked… and seeing her after our trip was the best thing ever.

This morning, she’s been full of energy, dancing and singing, full of snuggles, and we hopped back into our routine of story time at the library, followed by a green juice. I’m also pretty sure she’s grown 4 inches since we’ve been gone!

For me, her nap time consisted of starting to tackle laundry mountain, Googling “Italian espresso maker” (not gonna happen haha) and my first foray back in the kitchen.

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A salad. I’m ready for your surprised face ?

This combo has always been one of my favorites: rotisserie chicken, greens, balsamic, goat cheese and boiled sweet potato. 

Veggie friends: this is also fantastic with crumbled seasoned tempeh!

I used the “I heart kale” salad mix, along with some lemon-herb rotisserie chicken:

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Topped with chopped, boiled sweet potato (boiled for 7-10 minutes, until you can piece with a fork but isn’t mushy)

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A crumble of goat cheese,

drizzle of olive oil and balsamic

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salt and pepper.

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For dessert: some Paleo bread with fig jam + coffee ?

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I’m excited for family dinner tonight and a quick gym workout. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Flying: love it or loathe it?

Any new amazing salad combos? 

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