Numbers of NHS doctors registering to work abroad could reach unprecedented levels

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The Government’s proposed new contract for junior doctors could prompt an exodus of young medics, after figures show an unprecedented spike in NHS doctors registering to work abroad.

Doctors seeking to work overseas must apply for Certificates of Current Professional Status (CCPS) from their regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC).

Typically the GMC receives around 20 to 25 requests a day for CCPS documents but in just three days last week, 1,644 were logged.

The boost began on 16 September, the day after the Department of Health said it would look to impose a new contract on junior doctors – a move branded as ‘unsafe and unfair’ by the British Medical Association union.

More than 53,000 junior doctors will be affected by the new contract, which could see them lose out on pay premiums for working weekday evenings and on Saturdays.

The Government says the new contract will incentivise those looking to take on more responsibility and work unsocial hours, but have not ruled out cuts to some doctors’ take-home pay.


More than 53,000 junior doctors will be affected by the new contract  Photo: GETTY

In recent years, thousands of doctors are believed to have left the UK to work abroad, with Australia, New Zealand and Canada among the most popular destinations.

There are no official figures showing how many leave each year and a spokesperson for the GMC said: “Not all doctors who request a certificate of current professional status actually leave the UK.

“And as CCPS documents are only valid for three months, doctors often make multiple requests in one year.”

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Since 2012 when there was a peak of 5,163 applications, numbers have remained steady. Last year 4,925 applied and last week’s surge of interest has taken this year’s figure so far to 4,500 – suggesting 2015 will break the previous record.

Dr Kitty Mohan, chair of the BMA’s Junior Doctors Committee, told The Independent: “These figures should serve as a serious wake-up call to the Government. There has been an outpouring of anger over plans to impose a new contract and there is a real risk that junior doctors will speak with their feet. To lose a large swathe of doctors in the early stages of their careers would be a disaster for the NHS.”

Last week, the BMA said doctors may take industrial action to resist an imposed contract. A petition supporting strike calls has attracted 52,000 signatures.


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