It is safe to do sex during the menstruation with condom?

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The menstruation period is the normal for the adult women, and it has played a very important role very important for women’s growth, but in this special period, the women many things are restricted. With the change of society, the sex life between men and women has become a very common topic, and sex life occupies a very important position in people’s life. So it is safe to do sex during the menstruation with condom?


The answer is nm. Women is not suitable for sexual life during this special time. During the menstrual period, of the endometrial cavity is spalling, the wound surface formed on the surface, if there is a sexual life, easy to introduce bacteria enter the uterine cavity, caused by intrauterine infection.

The sex life will make genital engorgement and hypervolemia menostaxis; ascending bacterial infection; once sperm through a wound into the blood may produce anti sperm antibodies, leading to infertility; when have sex will cause the contraction of the uterus, or endometrial fragments to squeeze into the pelvic cavity, causing endometriosis.


Menstrual intercourse easy get infection, menstruation palace mouth is in micro shaped, endometrial shedding, sinus open, decreased immunity, so the menstrual sexual life can easily lead to bacterial infection. Menstrual endometrium shedding the formation of the wound, and uterine mouth is slightly open state. Furthermore, because through the blood was drained, dilution of the acidity environment inside the vagina, the vagina self-cleaning ability weakened the susceptible to infection and inflammation of Department of gynaecology.

Through the introduction of the above we can know about women’s menstruation is not allowed with sexual life activity, no matter with condom or not. So don’t because of a time of joy and let your woman hurt.

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