Extra virgin olive oil health benefits

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Olive oil has influential health benefits and loveliness. It is also perfect as an adjunct in meals. You can use it in salads cooking or eating a spoon, which will help stop the onset of certain serious disease such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Training, organizing and storing memories is controlled by the brain called the hippocampus. There are synapses which are located in the hippocampus are amenities that rouse nerve cells to send signals to one more cell.

In fact this is the primary part that is affected by Alzheimer’s disease. In a study that was published in the journal of Toxicology and applied Pharmacology was held that an ingredient included in olive oil called might be forced to get rid of the toxic proteins that clog the synapses in the hippocampus and stop memory leaks.


Studies have shown that olive oil is composed of ingredients that are slowing the growth of tumors in breast cancer. Not only slows the growth of cancer cells but also can keep safe our DNA from damage caused by cancer cells until the damage also occurs. Not only prevents and slows down chronic disorders can olive oil do the following: Your immune system antioxidants contained in olive oil maintain its immune system safe from infections and you get health benefits.

Protects your oil frequently and will decrease the chances of corazon-use of motion in a staggering 41%. Thanks to polyphenols in olive oil, normalize cholesterol levels in your body. Help with weight loss-olive oil is helpful because it contributes to faster fat burning. However, after the oil is more effectual for this. Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fats are considered dangerous for a extended time but the latest research has shown otherwise.

Once that fats and oils are applied to extreme heat, mainly vegetable oils similar to soybean and rapeseed that are full of polyunsaturated fats, oils can be dangerous to our health and can even cause of cancer occurrence. In addition, carcinogenic ingredients contained in these oils are able to vaporize and can cause lung cancer when inhaled.

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