12 ways to make your life longer

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1, make your brain working fast can increase your life: 4.6 years

Keep clear and agile mind important rule is: always use it. Research shows, the effective protection of the nervous system and strengthening exercise can delay your aging and dementia. The people whose brain is always active and busy will be much low risk of dementia than those who spend all day staring at the wall. Often play games, read a book, surfing the Internet, or learning, can all make your brain working well.


2, change another national life can help you increase: 6.4 years

If you think the domestic environment is not suitable for your living, then change to another country will be a really good idea, such as the Europe. Of course, from the whole viewpoint, the European environment is not very ideal, and one Commission study made by the European shows that the number of people who is die of air pollution and mortality is almost equal to the traffic accident mortality. People generally think that the environment will be better in the UK, but in fact, there are more than 32,000 people died in the air pollution each year in the UK, and will make people’s life reduced by an average of one year. The air will be much better in Ireland which is ranking second in Europe, and the ranking first is the Finland. However, if you really want to live longer, then go to the Europe of Andorra. There is a really almost no pollution country, where average life expectancy reached 83 years.


3, singing can make you increase: 2 years

When you open your eyes in the morning, say loudly to the people around you: “you are so beautiful.” If you are alone sleeping, open your eyes to think about the outside cloud, grassland and friends waiting for you happy. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found that people with a thankful heart for all people and things in the hearts forever, and praise of others in every hour and moment can live every day full of happiness, and more healthy.


4, enjoy the sunshine besides the sea can make you increase: 3.3 years

The people who cannot see sunshine often may occur many dangerous. A study of affective disorder of Columbia University’s Department of psychiatry, lack of light may lead to depression or other related issues, such as alcoholism, Dutch act etc.. Go to the beach to enjoy the sunshine every week, will let you out of this dark mood. Studies have shown, beach sunshine for 5 consecutive days, 30 minutes every time, can cure more than half of patients with depression.


5, use dental floss can make you increase: 6.4 years

When you use dental floss, you not only left the last night fish residue out of the teeth, and can make your teeth are not dirty. A study of Wisconsin cosmetic dental research center shows, nearly 80% of adults suffer from periodontal disease, and the remaining 20% human teeth grow very ugly, and most of us don’t know about these. Of course, it is not particularly bad, generally speaking, as long as we go to visit the dentist will be OK.

However, according to a study by medicine Dr. Chris shows that man who has dental disease history is higher 63% risk than ordinary people of pancreatic cancer. Therefore, he suggested two to four times visiting to dental doctor a year. Yes, the dental visiting is very expensive, which is better than have cancer.


6, drink milk can make you increase: 7.2 years

Milk is a very good thing. It is a pure natural food which has most nutrition anti-aging and supply the body. There have been many clinical trials confirmed that milk has a lot of functions, such as supply energy, make the skin more dynamic, reduce pain, improve the allergic constitution, accelerate the body recovery, and exciting mood.


7, find your Mr. Right or Ms. Right so that you can add 9.5 years

Divorce, and the other half your house is empty, this really isn’t a very good idea. Your life will be more lonely. A study at Rockefeller University in New York in 2004 shown, the divorce will accelerate the ageing of white blood cells. “Love relationship of long-term can make you 6.5 years younger,” says Dr. Rosen. Fixed relationship can let you into a stable life state.


8, examination of the prostate can make you increase: 12 years

Prevention is better than cure, early treatment is better than the on time treatments, which are very old saying. But there are still many people ignore all the possible signs of illness, and until these signs become reality, which has been very difficult to cure. And this is more critical for prostate disease. “Before they go to check prostate disease, they actually had the disease for a long time, and in fact, this kind of disease and diabetes, ED, if early detection and early treatment, cure should not be a tickler, but now there have been millions to the prostate gland disease,” said Dr. Banks, he is the author of “the man manual”. “The people who take actively seek the quality health care and chronic disease care can live 12 years longer than the people who did nothing,” said Dr.


9, home blood pressure measurement can make you increase: 25.2 years

Please don’t wait for the body is really a problem, and then remind to measure blood pressure. Now, people usually buy a blood pressure device at home, self testing, and this is more convenience than the old time hospital visiting. You can buy the most common wrist pressure gauge, then monthly test. The people who have relatively low blood pressure (115/75) are usually live 25 years longer than who with higher blood pressure (140/90). According to your age, if your blood pressure is too high, then we must think of a way to drop down. The usual approach is to: exercise regularly, to reduce the fat, salt, alcohol intake, and don’t play those too Thrilling Games, such as a roller coaster.


10, smile can make you increase: 10 years

Humor can make you healthier, live longer and happier, this is a study of University of science and technology of Norway published in 2006. According to their another confirmed point, the people who have a sense of humor has higher 30% cured rate than other people when suffering from major diseases. Smile can make the person produces more protective hormone, regulation of blood pressure, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system. The smile can bring so many benefits to you, let you more laughter, can make your life by 8 years more.


11, join the football team can increase your 11 years

Join a football team, you can extract pressure, and this will do good effects on physiology, but also can prevent premature aging of the body. The little league organization is a very good way for your effective decompression. A study of 1400 elderly men and women of the Australian shows that these people who have a close partner can live longer than ordinary people. A relatively fixed social activity can make you 3.5 years younger. Of course, regular exercise can bring you many benefits, such as keeping muscles strong, flexible joints, increased cardiac function, and increased the vital capacity. So, why not spend more time to join a small team, not only you can get friends and exchange opportunities, but also make yourself stronger.


12, raise a dog or cat so you can add: 11.4 years

Have a cat or dog in the side to accompany you, so that it can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, also can make the body recovery from severe better. Do you doubt that? Let’s tell you the true story. According to a study by Dr. Welles of The Queen’s University of Belfast, dogs can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Compared with the people without a dog, the dog owners are much lucky. Moreover, dogs are more benefits than cats, because the dog can “force” you must go out for a walk every morning.


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