Microsoft debuts Send, an Email client app with instant messaging for iPhone

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The next thing out of Microsoft Garage, its mobile development department, is Send. Send is a new Email client that aims to bring some features of instant messengers to Email. Mailing, perceivably, might become less formal with this approach.

One of Send’s prime features is instant messaging. Through Send, you can quickly send messages to each other without going through the hassle of filling a lot of fields. You will just be required to choose a recipient and type out a message. Templates for Quick Replies are also available for sending pre-set answers to mails and messages, when you are busy. Send, in brief, is similar to sending stuff through an instant messaging app, only via email format. “Send lets you quickly and easily send any co-worker a message without a subject line or formal email constructs.” says Microsoft via Office blogs.

All messages are stored in Outlook’s Inbox, and they can be re-read anytime you want. However, the opposite does not happen, and only conversations through Send can be accessible through the Send inbox. The app is currently exclusive to Office 365 subscribers, and ties in with your Outlook Account to get information on the people you interact with the most, in order to make it easier to reach them.Send can also tell you when the person on the other end is typing, bringing another IM aspect to Email. While this feature has been a part of instant messengers since their inception, it is completely new for mails. Email, till now, has been a passive experience where you can exchange messages. There is also no option till now to know whether a person has read your mail. Send changes all that, and makes Email a lot more personal and interactive. And it does this while maintaining Email’s openness, meaning that your IT department will still be able to implement the necessary security measures (IT-specific features to come later), while you enjoy the convenience of a faster Email client.

It is available on iPhone, and will soon be releasing on Windows Phone and Android, although a release date has not been announced yet. It is currently exclusive to the US and Canada, but Microsoft has stated its plans for expanding Send.

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