HTC promises the One M10’s camera will dazzle

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Phone to deliver a “very compelling” photo experience.


Samsung and LG revealed their flagship Android handsets at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, and HTC is expected to lay its cards on the table over the next month or so.

Little is known about the upcoming HTC One M10, but the Taiwanese firm has just teased that camera improvements are a key area of focus.

“We can confidently say that HTC will have a very, very compelling camera experience,” Chief Financial Officer Chialin Chang told CNET. “We’re making this comment after we’ve seen what’s going on in the market.”

It comes as a little surprise that improving its flagship’s camera is high on the agenda for HTC – the rear snapper on the HTC One M9 was dismissed as underwhelming, while the UltraPixel offering on the M8 divided critics.

Previous reports suggest that the One M10 will include a QHD AMOLED display and a laser-assisted 12-Ultrapixel camera, with a Snapdragon 820 chip and 4GB of RAM running the show.

HTC’s decision to launch the device in March or April has given rival Android phones the Samsung Galaxy S7 and the LG G5 at least a month’s head start.

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