Affordable Life Insurance for Diabetics

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Over 8% of the U.S. population has some form of diabetes. Most diabetics1500795243-7985-diabetic-300x200 think they aren’t insurable, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Diabetics can find affordable life insurance, especially those who control their blood sugars well with diet or oral medications. If you were diagnosed with late onset diabetes (after the age of 50) you very well could qualify for affordable “above average” rates.

So, how does diabetes impact life insurance rates? The healthier you are the lower the cost of your life insurance. With diabetes, many factors impact your rates. The more recent the diagnosis the better, in that, over the long term, blood sugar medications harm our bodies. So someone diagnosed at age 65 with late onset diabetes is less of a risk for life insurance companies to insure than a 35-year-old who was diagnosed during adolescence.

If you are compliant with your doctor, rates are usually affordable.

The type of medications a diabetic takes also impact rates. A type II diabetic taking only oral medications is less of a risk than a type I diabetic taking insulin. And diabetics controlling their blood sugars with diet are even less of a risk than the other two. Life insurance for diabetics is ultimately like any other health concern: If you are compliant with your doctor, rates are usually affordable. The key is always good control and following doctors’ orders.

The following is a list of health conditions that make it tough for diabetics to qualify for affordable rates.

  • History of heart disease
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure and/or cholesterol
  • Nicotine use
  • Kidney disease
  • Vascular disease and or strokes
  • Neuropathy in your limbs or extremities

Above average life insurance rates are available for diabetics who:

  • Control their blood sugars well with diet and/or medication
  • Have fasting blood sugars under 100
  • Have A1C numbers in the 6s ie… 6.1
  • Had late onset diabetes diagnosed after age 50.

If you are diabetic and looking for life insurance, be sure that you work with a life insurance agent who can look at various companies and help you “shop” for the most affordable life insurance rates for your condition. When speaking with an agent, be prepared with details of your health history. The agent is on your team and there to help you get the best possible rate, so honesty is the best policy.

Remember, if you take care of your health, then an agent can take care of finding you affordable rates for life insurance.

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