How Much Will Apple’s New iPhone 14 Cost? | iPhone 14 Lineup and Pricing

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iPhone 14 Pro Concept Image 2022 Credit: AppleyPro / Twitter

I wouldn’t write an article about it if there were no changes from last year, but there certainly will be, so get prepared.

First of all, say goodbye to the iPhone mini.

I expect Apple to replace the mini with a much larger 6.7-inch non-Pro iPhone: the iPhone 14 Max. This name isn’t definitive, but I use it so that you can understand the idea.

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Based on that, we can safely say that Apple will sell four new iPhones next year: The iPhone 14, the iPhone 14 Max, the iPhone 14 Pro, and the iPhone 14 Pro Max.

iPhone 14 Pricing

I recently spoke to sources familiar with the matter and was told that there’s currently an iPhone 14 pricing strategy being discussed within Apple. So how much will the new phones cost?

  1. The 6.1-inch iPhone 14 would remain at the usual starting price of $799.
  2. The iPhone 14 Max would be $100 more expensive, starting at $899.
  3. The iPhone 14 Pro would then start at $1099.
  4. The iPhone 14 Pro Max would begin at $1199.

Let me clarify that this is only being discussed within the company and that I can neither confirm nor deny whether this will end up being what we see in September. However, after it was explained to me why this was being discussed, I was convinced that these would be the final iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro prices. But, let me explain to you exactly what’s behind this new pricing strategy.

Why Are Prices Changing?

There are three main reasons for the price and lineup changes.

First, the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 13 mini sold poorly. Apple is a company that obviously wants to make money, and these phones didn’t meet their sales goals. For that reason, this year, there will be an iPhone 14 Max. This device, of course, needs a higher price than the regular iPhone 14: $100 more.

iPhone 13 mini
Urbanscape / Shutterstock

This makes sense considering that the difference between the iPhone 13 mini and the iPhone 13 is also $100. If the iPhone 14 Max costs $899, the iPhone 14 Pro can’t be priced at $999 – that would mean the difference between the two devices is only $100, even though the actual differences are much larger than that. The iPhone 14 will look very similar to the iPhone 13. However, the iPhone 14 Pro will be completely redesigned and have many more features than the regular iPhone 14. From a marketing standpoint, the difference must be more than $100.

$1099 makes more sense. Not only is it a $200 difference, but there’s also a difference in figures. Three figures for the iPhone 14, but four for the iPhone 14 Pro. The difference is $200, but it looks even bigger than that, giving the latter a more premium feel. It’s the same principle as the Hermés Apple Watch. Its price is four digits, and that makes it look much more “premium” than the $399 Series 7.

The third reason is the increase in production costs. They’ve risen sharply, especially since the end of 2019, making the iPhone more expensive for Apple to produce year after year. The company has struggled with the iPhone 13 Pro, keeping it at the usual $999. However, I hear that won’t be possible this year.

Do you think Apple will raise the prices of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max? Would you be willing to pay a little more money for them? Let me know what you think in the comments!

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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