Tim Cook was considered as Hillary Clinton’s vice president

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Tim Cook was apparently considered as a possible running mate for Hillary Clinton, according to a new email released by WikiLeaks.

Written by Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, the email includes a number of high-profile names touted as potential vice presidential candidates, including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

The email takes the form of, essentially, a long list of names, with a note that this is just a, “first cut of people to consider for VP.” It’s not known how much further Cook’s consideration went, but he has been strongly supportive of Clinton during her campaign.

Last month, he teamed up with the Hillary Victory Fund to host a fundraiser, with tickets costing anywhere up to $50,000. Cook has been far more politically involved during his time as Apple CEO, in a way not seen since John Sculley’s time running Apple. Interestingly, Sculley was also reportedly considered as a Clinton running mate (Bill Clinton, in that instance!), but reportedly eliminated because he was twice divorced.

While Apple hasn’t officially supported either party during this year’s election cycle (although it did have a public falling out with Donald Trump over its privacy policy), the company has given Clinton airtime on Apple Music with an exclusive interview with Mary J. Blige, available to subscribers.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Cook’s name has been noted in the recent WikiLeaks revelations about Clinton. In messages previously highlighted by Apple analyst Philip Elmer‑DeWitt, Cook met with Clinton staff last year.

The email chain is reproduced below. Names mentioned include Podesta, former Google executive and current Clinton CTO Stephanie Hannon, chief fundraiser Lindsay Roitman, and Erika Rottenberg, former LinkedIn general counsel.

June 20, 2015
From: Hannon
To: Podesta
Re: Tim Cook + Monday

Hey John:

Finance event + tech roundtable went very well today in SF.

I heard from Lindsay that you are visiting Tim Cook on Monday. I would love to (kill to) join you if appropriate. However, if better smaller, no problem at all. Just wanted to share that Ill be in town all Monday since we have our Erika event on Monday night.

See you soon,

June 21, 8:02 pm
From: Roitman
To: Hannon, Podesta

Tim’s office requested a 1:1 meeting today, which was a nice way of saying “no staff”. I think this is one we should proceed cautiously. He’s supportive but new to this so I think we shouldn’t come on too strong.

Steph, thanks for circling back, see you tomorrow night.

June, 21, 10:13 pm
From: Hannon
To: Roitman, Podesta

Understood, thanks for getting back to me! See you at Erika’s house!

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