5G for Good: Innovate for New Value

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Centering on the new value and opportunities that 5G will create, Huawei’s 5G for Good Summit wrapped up last week after opening the door further on the many possibilities of 5G, including:

  • 5G and 5 Drivers that will Reshape Industry
  • 5G and Post-pandemic Economic Recovery
  • The Launch of the 5G Open Lab in Shanghai
  • The Launch of the Huawei 5G Partners’ List
  • The Launch of the 5GtoB Ecosystem

This post gives the highlights of the event and analyzes what it means for the industry as a whole.

More than 200 enterprises from various sectors, including the Internet, finance, ports, mining, healthcare, and mobile sectors, joined global operators, industry organizations, media groups, analysts, and think tanks. Together, they explored how 5G will reshape industry verticals in five major fields: connectivity, computing, cloud, AI, and industrial applications.

5G Enables All-scenario Connectivity

The full connectivity powered by 5G will transcend boundaries between both devices and scenarios, enabling smartphones, smart wearables, and smart homes to make the lives and work of everyone more convenient.

The experts say

The value of 5G will be shown not only through the upgrades to mobile services, but also through the new opportunities brought to the connectivity industry. Soaring data traffic will drive extensive digital consumption, expanding the connectivity industry from mobile interconnections to industry interconnections in a fully connected world.

Yang Minghui, President, CITIC Securities

5G Brings Intelligent Computing Into Play

The explosive growth of data has raised new requirements for computing. In the 5G era, cloud-edge-device collaborative and diversified computing is becoming a major trend for massive terminal access and smart applications.

The experts say

5G enables cloud-based mobile applications, the Internet of Everything, and Smart Everything. Traditional data centers running on general-purpose CPUs will have to be upgraded for higher computing power to deliver device-edge-cloud collaborative computing.

Andy Guo, Consulting Director, Frost & Sullivan China

5G, Cloud & AI Convergence Will Forge a New Intelligent World

The convergence of these key technologies will drive unprecedented productivity underpinned by intelligence.

The experts say

New applications have been emerging: With cloud and AI, traditional transportation is changing substantially to adapt to autonomous driving and smart logistics. 5G upgrades service development from human-reliant to cloud-based. 5G creates a future that is beyond our imagination. We are now at the door of a new intelligent world.

Peter Nie, CTO Internet Solutions & 5G+X General Manager, Huawei Cloud

5G Drives Digital Transformation Across Industries

The experts say

As an essential part of the digital foundation, 5G will enable the digital, networked, and intelligent modernization of various industries. China is at the forefront of 5G applications and has so far made remarkable achievements in healthcare, coal mining, ports, and other fields. With the evolution of the standards, as well as the improvement of the module and terminal industry chains, 5G will enable the digital transformation of industries and become a new powerhouse for developing the digital economy.

Jessie Chang, Head of Ecosystem Engagement, GSMA Greater China

5G for Global Economic Recovery


Read more: Accelerating Economic Recovery

2020 has witnessed the accelerating commercialization of 5G. To date, China’s three major operators have deployed 400,000 5G sites and acquired more than 100 million 5G users. By the end of this year, the total number of 5G sites is expected to reach 800,000 and the number of users to exceed 200 million.

Both figures will be set to account for more than 70% of the world’s total. Chinese operators are also promoting cross-industry collaboration. By fusing 5G with AI, cloud, and computing, they’re able to launch multiple new services like AR/VR and cloud gaming. With closer integration into vertical industries, including port, mining, and steel manufacturing, telcos can drive industry digital transformation and in turn create value beyond providing connectivity for enterprises.

5G for New Value

Shanghai Open Lab

The Summit saw the launch of the 5G Open Lab in Shanghai. Designed to accelerate the development of 5G industries and help Shanghai foster a collaborative innovation ecosystem, the center will provide application incubation, functions testing, scenario verification, and investment conversion. It will help enterprises integrate cutting-edge technologies and achieve systematic collaboration across the entire industry chain.

Shanghai 5G Open Lab Released

Huawei 5G Partner List & 5GtoB Ecosystem

Huawei and 50 partners, released the first batch of 5G industry applications alongside the Huawei 5G Industry Partners List Issue 1 and launched the 5GtoB ecosystem. These mark a new milestone of the development of the 5G ecosystem and the 5G modules, which Huawei believes are essential to the success of 5G.


Society needs digital transformation and the rapid development of new ICT more than ever. The convergence and innovation of 5G, cloud, AI, and big data are advancing digital transformation forward at a rapid pace. As a leader in 5G and digital transformation, Huawei pledges to boost the opportunity offered by the 5G industry in five directions – connectivity, computing, cloud, AI, and industrial applications.

Read more about Huawei’s 5G solutions and subscribe to this blog for more on 5G.

Article Source: HuaWei

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