What is the difference between a Macbook Air and a Macbook Pro?

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What is the difference between a Macbook Air and a Macbook Pro?

Since I start college in about a year or so, I want to get a good laptop. I’ve been looking at Apple Mac’s because they last forever. However, I can’t quite determine what the difference between the Macbook Air and Pro is.

Also, is the Macbook a good laptop for just word processing, surfing the internet, etc? I don’t really do multimedia or gaming of any sort.

Thank you for the help! ?

MacBook Air best answer:

Answer by SilverTonguedDevil
Answer is here–> http://answers.yahoo.com/search/search_result;_ylt=AoCXOLIi9Z1c12wT8birrCIjzKIX;_ylv=3?page=1&p=macbook+air+pro&orderby=date

Wow! This is a popular question, asked about 30 times a month here!

There is also a huge explanation here–> http://store.apple.com/us/mac

Short explanation:
Pro is for better performance (faster processor, more memory, bigger storage space). Also, Pro non-Retina has removable RAM and removable hard drive. Old-timers don’t trust flash memory and flash storage that the Air has. Pro also has Firewire for video rendering and fast external drive use–oh, sorry, you no do video editing. Pro also has option to choose 15″ screen. Yea! Love big screen! The 15″ model also had discrete graphics for better resolution when using two displays or when editing video or when playing with ganes… right, none of that is for you… just saying. Pro non-Retina also has DVD burner… uh, what is DVD? Oh, yea. That old-timey thing people used to use for watching movies.

“is the Macbook a good laptop for just word processing, surfing the internet, etc?”

Yes. As a matter of fact, every notebook computer made is perfect for these tasks.

Apple computers DO NOT last forever. It just seems like that. Some people drop them down the stairs. That ends the computer’s life.


Apple Issues MacBook Air Recall to Replace Failing Flash Drives

MacBook Air
By Adario Strange 2013-10-19 16:58:05 UTC. With all the excitement surrounding Apple's upcoming event on Oct. 22, you may have missed a rather important recall that the Cupertino, Calif. company issued this week concerning its MacBook Air laptops.

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