Q&A: What the difference between an imac and a laptop ?

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What the difference between an imac and a laptop ?

Im shopping for a new laptop and I would like to know the difference between a regular laptop and an imac. More importany, what is a good price for a used laptop or imac ??

iMac best answer:

Answer by Jakob
An iMac is a desktop computer, where once it’s in your home you will likely never move it again. A MacBook is a laptop where if your on the go it’s portable and can also be used at home. They both have the same function and software however just different sized machines, one for moving and one for permanent display. The price however all depends on the year it was made, amount of memory, hard drive and screen size. However the newest models of both machines can be very pricey ranging from $ 1000-$ 3000. But trust me they are worth it.

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