How can you tell the difference between every apple powerbook g4 and macbook pro?

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How can you tell the difference between every apple powerbook g4 and macbook pro?

I know that if you take the powerbook g4 that looks kind of like a macbook pro and put it next to the macbook pro (the old one that’s all gray) they kind of look the same but one has a black keyboard, but how do you if all the other ones are a powerbook g4 or a macbook pro without being to see the little words under the screen?

MacBook pro best answer:

Answer by Jesse B
You can tell a difference by what the features it has to offer. I can tell if you have a PowerBook G4 the first time i look at it. Lets see, No iSight camera, no apple remote sensor, and not a large trackpad as on the MacBook Pros. Now if i just look at the front of it with the Apple logo glowing in all its armor, I cant tell if you have a MacBook Pro or a G4, Again just no apple remote sensor, no large trackpad, and no iSight Camera. hope that helped !

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