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Anyone else live on strawberry milk as a kid?! I LOVED the stuff! Seriously, some days more than chocolate. But it was literally sugar, with some added food coloring and flavoring. I don’t believe there was anything strawberry about it. LOL. So, for this Valentine’s Day I set out to make my 3 little valentines some naturally sweetened vegan homemade strawberry milk love! I am actually shocked how good it tastes and how much it reminds me of being a kid.

I love the fact that this homemade strawberry syrup took 2 ingredients plus water. SO. DARN. EASY. I’m not going to lie though, I am not a fan of passing things through a nut milk bag to strain them out. I don’t have a fine mesh strainer, so I used the nut milk bag to strain the gunk and get pure strawberry syrup, but it was messy. And not very pretty. But I suck, so hopefully you will do much better if you go that route. It’s honestly why I despise making my own nut milk. I know it tastes better, but I am a nut milk bag loser. Well that and with how much my kids drink, all I’d be doing is making nut milk so I have to compromise somewhere! And with Silk, I truly don’t believe there is a compromise. We love the brand, we love their milks and I love their company! One of the best out there in the food world!

With this vegan homemade strawberry milk recipe, I paired the Silk Unsweetened Coconut Milk. I loved the coconut flavor with it, but it also tastes amazing with the Unsweetened Cashew or Almond! Make sure to use the unsweetened though, or your end result will be much sweeter. I trialled this recipe to get the perfect sweetness for us. Enough to where my boys would drink it as dessert, but not overly sweet. It has no added sugar, I purely used strawberries and some dates to sweeten it. You could always sub the dates with maple syrup if you prefer, but dates were perfect for us.

You need this homemade strawberry milk treat for your valentines this weekend! It’s so easy to make and I know you’ll win them over. So grab those 2 ingredients, your favorite Silk unsweetened milk and get to it. I love the soft pink color this strawberry syrup makes the milk, so make sure to share some pictures with me! And tell me with which milk you liked it best! Make sure to leave me a comment here, find me on Facebook or tag me on Instagram with your adorable pink pics at veggiesdontbite #veggiesdontbite so I don’t miss them! May you have the sweetest and most awesome Valentine’s Day!

By the way, scroll down and notice I added nutrition facts to this recipe! I have never added them to my blog, mostly because I don’t watch them myself because I feel that if you eat a wide variety of plant-based foods, making sure to have some protein, fat and carbs in every meal, you are good to go. But, I know some people have asked me about them so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s extra work, but I’d be willing to do it when I can if you all really want them! Let me know what you think!

  • • 2 cups frozen strawberries
  • • 10 Medjool dates
  • • 1 cup water
  • • ColdSilk Unsweetened Coconut Milk(amount depends on how many you are making)
  1. Put strawberries, dates and water in a medium pot, cover and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Pour into a blender and blend on high until smooth. Careful because it will be hot.
  3. Once cool enough, pour through a fine mesh strainer or nut milk bag to get all the pieces out. Use a large bowl or even the pot you boiled it in. If using a bowl, return strained liquid to the pot and boil with the top off until it thickens to your liking. I did about 10 minutes.
  4. Store in a jar and place in the refrigerator so it can get very cold, about an hour but even better if overnight.
  5. When ready, combine 2 tablespoons syrup (you can add 3 if you want it sweeter) for each 8 ounces of milk. Enjoy!
If you don’t like coconut, almond or cashew will work great too. I used frozen strawberries, but fresh will also work. Just watch it while it boils as you may need less time. If you prefer, you can also sub the dates with maple syrup. I’d start with ½ cup.

Baby/toddler food idea: Serve as is!

Serving size: 2 tablespoons syrup plus 8 ounces milk Calories: 67 Fat: .5Saturated fat: .3 Unsaturated fat: .2 Trans fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 17 Sugar: 14.5Sodium: 4.2 Fiber: 1.9 Protein: .5

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