The Truth Behind Dieting and Muscle Gain

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the truth behind dieting and muscle gain

The Truth Behind Dieting and Muscle Gain

Dieting and muscle gain go hand in hand, and with all the weightlifting myths floating around, a proper muscle building diet isn’t always easy to sort out.

In this article I’m going to make a good effort to dispel a number of myths about dieting and muscle gain.  I know a lot of people who get trapped in gaining muscle and trying to lose fat at the same time and if you’re one of those people then this is definitely going to be a very good read for you.

Ready for the truth, once and for all?

Myth #1: To Gain Muscle, You Need to Eat More Protein

Although protein is definitely important on a muscle building diet (which I’ll discuss more in a bit), protein is not all you need. In order to successfully gain muscle, your body also needs more calories overall. This is because the bodily processes involved in building muscle take up more energy, especially when you’re working out and causing more damage to your muscles.

And that’s exactly how weightlifting works. By applying stress to your muscles, you’re actually tearing the muscle tissue, which grows as it rebuilds. So you do need extra protein, but your need extra calories overall.

Myth #2: More Whey Protein is Always Better

Whey protein, a by-product of cheese production, is one of the go-to supplements and protein sources for anyone looking to build muscle. But there’s a myth out there about how much whey protein you need, and how much your body can actually process.

The thing about whey protein is that it’s digested very quickly. This makes it ideal for pre- and post-workout phases, and immediately upon waking up in the mornings. However, your body can only take in about 20 to 25 grams of whey protein in one serving. The truth is, those 40+ gram protein shakes are a waste of money, and hard on your body during digestion. Stick to the typical single serving of 20 grams or so that you find in most whey proteins.

Besides eating animal protein, you can also consider a casein protein supplement like Optimum 100% Casein Protein. It’s also derived from dairy production, but takes much longer to digest, making it a more ideal meal replacement option.

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Healthy Eating

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