Principles of Clean Eating to Live By

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Principles of Clean Eating to Live By

Principles of Clean Eating to Live By

Forget diets which are all doomed to fail after you get over the serious deprivation strategies.  Instead switch your mindset to eating clean food at least 5 days of the week.

Take it from me, in my 20+ years of experience training and studying nutrition there really isn’t any diet that’s more sustainable long-term than clean eating. But more than being practical, this lifestyle will make you feel more energized and just good after what you have put in your tummy!

So what is the real definition of eating clean? The general idea is to focus on whole foods that foods that are minimally processed (if at all). In fact, it’s funny because I was talking to a friend the other day about all these apps which help you track your calories and she was showing me the bar code scanner which is included so you enter foods into your app easier, and yet the whole time all I could think about is that if you’re eating clean your food shouldn’t have bar codes on them!!!

Don’t read over that last sentence without really taking it to heart because it is the foundational principle which I’ll expand on below. Clean out your fridge and cupboards and if you haven’t yet make sure to sign up to my 5 day body transformation series and newsletter so you can keep expanding your knowledge on being and feeling your best.

Ok let’s get on with the simple tips you can implement right away…

7 Clean Eating Principles for a Healthier You

Adopt these principles and practices over the next 2 weeks, and get on track to a healthier (and slimmer) you.

1. Put an End to Fast Food

This one may be the most obvious, but it should also be taken the most seriously. Fast food just doesn’t work on a clean eating diet plan – or in any healthy lifestyle, for that matter. The main problem with fast foods is that most contain an enormous amount of processed ingredients. Add to this the extra salt, sugar, and fat, and you’re setting yourself up for failure.

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Healthy Eating

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