7 Superfoods You Can Mix Into Any Dish

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7 superfoods you can mix into any dish

7 Superfoods You Can Mix Into Any Dish

Superfoods have become pretty popular in recent years. And it’s all for good reason, as these foods are packed full of vitamins and nutrients to support a healthy and active lifestyle.

But in addition to their nutritional content, superfoods are also extremely versatile.

Today I’m reviewing 7 superfoods that you can add to pretty much any dish. Keep these items in your pantry, and you’ll always have a healthy boost on hand – no matter what you’re in the mood for.

7 Superfoods to Add to Any Dish

1. Chia Seeds – First on my list is chia seeds. This simple superfood is high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and a bunch of vitamins and minerals. All of these ingredients are just what you need to build lean muscle, burn more fat, and maintain a healthy toned physique. What makes chia seeds so versatile is that they don’t have much of a taste, and if you soak them in water over night, they soften up nicely. Check them out here – Nutiva Organic Chia Seeds

Add them to: yogurt, granola, oatmeal, salads, salad dressings, protein shakes and smoothies

2. Raisins – This may be one you haven’t considered, but raisins are actually high in a number of vitamins and minerals, including iron and copper – 2 ingredients that are especially important on a vegan diet. They also have a pretty low glycemic index.

Add them to: oatmeal, granola, curry dishes, bean and lentil salads, whole grain muffin, rice pilafs

3. Maca Powder – Maca root is the South American equivalent of ginseng, but it’s been shown to pack even more nutritional benefits. It’s an especially powerful energy supplement, increasing stamina and energy both in and out of the gym.

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Healthy Eating

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