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Yes yesssss I am in Europe right now, but I promise this is the only recipe you are going to be seeing from me over the next 16 days. However- you will get to hear from Linley a bit. We’ve got some fun things planned on our content calendar while I am away. I couldn’t leave you guys hanging for THATTTT long. Plus- if you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat (FitFoodieFinds) you pretty much will be able to see what Mark and I are up to at all times! I’m excited to be partnering with Verizon and their International plan while I am away so that I can stay connected a little bit oversees.

This rosé sangria is what I served at the Girls Night Fiesta my sister and I hosted a few weekends ago withWay Better Snacks. It was a last minute recipe creation and thankfully I had my camera with me so I could photograph. FEW. YOU GUYS…I LOVE PEACHES. AND I LOVE ROSE. Mix those things together and hot damn.


I feel like over the past 2 years rose has really gotten popular and I’m not mad one bit! It’s actually a really refreshing and nummy wine. Plus, it’s pink. My sister had a delicious bottle of Portada (I had never had it before) and we picked up some Skaalvenn White Rum (MN-Made!). Yum num num! Don’t forget about juicy peaches and strawberries…KEY.


  • 1 bottle of rose
  • 1.5 cups white rum
  • 1 can fresca
  • 1 pint of strawberries, sliced
  • 4 peaches, sliced


Place all ingredients in a large punch bowl and mix. Let sit for about an hour (or longer) before serving over ice.

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