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The Secret to High Intensity Training

by Jenna Michael

When you hear ‘high intensity training’ what are the first words that come to mind? Terrifying? Daunting? No thank you?

When you hear “high intensity training” what are the first words that come to mind? Terrifying? Daunting? No thank you?

What if I told you that you could complete a full body strength workout to complete exhaustion using high intensity training in just 30 minutes and not have to do it everyday? Exciting right?

Not to be confused with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), HIT was first developed by Arthur Jones when he created the Nautilus principles in the 1970s.

HIT is an ever-evolving form of resistance training that consists of shorter duration, less frequent workouts featuring muscular overload. Jones’s philosophy was “train harder, but train briefer.” (Not sure that’s the best grammatical phrase I’ve ever heard but I have to agree.)

We are all busy folks so the concept of training harder and less frequently has become quite popular. Personal training gyms focusing specifically on this principle are now easier to find — mainstream fitness programming and group exercise classes like LesMills GRIT, Beachbody’s T-25 and Tabata are everywhere.

The basic idea is to perform each rep with all-out effort until absolute muscle fatigue, which is why you shouldn’t complete a HIT workout everyday.

Working out too frequently, especially at a high intensity level, can lead to overtraining, injury and lack of progress.

Best practice would be to allow your body at least one recovery day after a HIT workout, and to work out no more than three non-consecutive days in one week. As you advance, you may need more recovery time and less workout time. (LesMills “Griters,” this part is especially for you! No back-to-back days.)

Ready to get your HIT on?

The best part about any fitness regimen is that you can make it completely your own. HIT isn’t for everyone and it might not be for you, but the only way you’ll know is if you try it! Now if I asked you what words come to mind when you hear “high intensity training,” would you say: Awesome? Time efficient? Attainable? Yes please!!

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