Rumor: Leaked AMD “Carrizo” slide shows first details of next gen APU

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File this one in the rumor category for now, but a leaked slide has made its way to the VR-Zone Taiwan site. With it comes the clearest picture yet of what to expect from AMD’s upcoming APU iteration. These details are for “Carrizo” which means it pertains to the mobile version, but it can still give us an idea of what to expect.


From this diagram, we can see that it will indeed use AMD’s upcoming Excavator cores, which we know very little about at this time. One would expect further improved IPC performance, but beyond that there’s not much to say yet.

The other big reveal here is the use of 3rd generation GCN “Volcanic Islands” graphics cores. This should bring with it all the goodies we’re used to seeing on the latest Radeon models, including TrueHD audio, improved Mantle performance, and so on.

Based on this diagram, memory support is still DDR3. Again this is all early information, but it could either be changed to DDR4 before launch, or perhaps this only relates to the mobile version.

We should see these in action some time next year, and hopefully get even more information by then.

Source: VR Zone Taiwan

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