Belmont Tops 7,770 Students for Fall 2016

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Move in at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. August 20, 2016

Record-breaking enrollment draws more than 2,000 new undergraduates to campus

Belmont’s fall 2016 semester kicked off today with a record-breaking enrollment number for the 16th consecutive year as the University welcomed 7,771 students to the first day of classes. This enrollment number is 260 percent of its fall 2000 enrollment of 2,976 students. Belmont’s sustained and incremental growth is being accomplished through traditional, residential education.

Applications for freshman admissions for Fall 2016 saw a significant increase of 18 percent and resulted in the University’s largest freshman class to date with 1,613 students, eclipsing the previous freshman class record from last year of 1,392. Belmont also continues to be among the top destinations for transfer students as 465 transfers joined the campus this fall. Graduate program applications attracted 633 new students to the University’s master and doctoral programs, also an all-time record.

Belmont President Dr. Bob Fisher said, “After celebrating our 125th anniversary last year, I can’t help but wonder what the Belmont College founders would think were they to witness the more than 7,700 students walking through this beautiful campus today to attend their first fall classes. The growth this University has experienced, particularly in the past decade, is astonishing, but what makes me most proud is that our faculty and staff continue to put students first. No one at Belmont is a number. Here, every student’s success is our priority, and I believe that emphasis is what continues to attract so many to make Belmont their collegiate home.”

This year’s incoming freshman class hails from 48 states and represents 8 foreign countries, with 79 percent of the class originating from outside of Tennessee. As a group, Belmont’s Class of 2020 scored an average of 26 on the ACT and held an average high school GPA of 3.6. Of those submitting a class ranking, 28 percent were in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, with 59 percent in the top quarter. Belmont’s student body currently consists of 6,347 undergraduate students and 1,424 pursuing graduate/professional paths.

Associate Provost and Dean of Enrollment David Mee added, “The story of Belmont continues to be one of national and international significance. In addition to the tremendous enrollment growth, this University has set a wonderful example of how a mission-focused institution can be counted among the nation’s finest collegiate options while remaining true to what sets it apart from the more than 3,000 options prospective students have when beginning their search for the right university.”

Beyond enrollment growth, Belmont begins the fall with multiple new academic programs as well, including undergraduate majors in Public Health, Global Leadership Studies and Sport Administration, bringing the total undergraduate areas of study to more than 90 programs. Additionally, new graduate programs in Audio Engineering and Mental Health Counseling enrolled their inaugural classes this semester.

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