Quizzle Introduces Deeper Credit Analysis with the Help of Equifax

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Credit AnalysisAny savvy consumer knows that understanding his or her credit information is vital to well-rounded finances. Good credit can mean the savings of tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. A good credit score can mean lower loan interest rates, as well as lower insurance premiums in some states, and the ability to access some of the best terms and deals for a variety of financial products and services.

In an effort to continue provide in-depth credit analysis and information to consumers, Quizzle is using information provided by the major credit reporting agency Equifax. Quizzle will still offer a free credit score and full report, while at the same time expanding its free offerings.

“In addition to the free credit report and score Quizzle offers, we also have a variety of educational tools that we layer into your free account to help you learn about your credit,” says Quizzle’s Kristina Niemiec.

Free and Premium Credit Analysis Tools

It’s free to sign up for Quizzle, and learn more about your credit history and the way it impacts your score. Quizzle offers a range of free resources, as well as paid premium tools. Some of the educational tools included in a free Quizzle account include:

  • Credit timeline: This feature illustrates your credit report chronologically, showcasing key events throughout your credit history. “Our goal for this tool is to be able to tell the story of an individual’s credit report, highlighting key positive and negative events, by giving them a different way of looking at it,” says Niemiec.
  • Credit trending: You can get an general idea of the direction your credit is moving. This feature highlights the changes in your credit score and overall available credit. You can also use graphing points to show your financial habits over time. Use credit trending to gain a solid idea of where you stand compared to last month, and where you are likely headed next — if you don’t make changes.
  • Credit comparison: If you are interested in learning how a change on your credit report could have impacted your credit score, this is the tool for you. “Comparison is a tool we created to give a user an easy way to compare the data on two credit reports, and clearly isolate any differences between them,” Niemiec says. “We also add an educational commentary for each change to help explain what the difference means, and why it may cause an increase or decrease in credit score.”
  • Score analysis: Take an in-depth look at your VantageScore credit score. Quizzle displays the reason codes, combining the content from these codes with explanations of how you can switch up your financial habits to improve your credit score. Get a better idea of the credit behavior categories impacting your credit score.

In addition to offering the free credit score and Equifax report, Quizzle also provides access to premium credit monitoring tools. Quizzle Pro is available for $11 per month, and offers credit report monitoring, while Quizzle Pro + is available for $18 per month and offers enhanced protection, including identity theft services:


It’s possible to use Quizzle to manage all aspects of your credit, staying on top of potential fraud issues, and keeping track of your finances for better credit results.

In-Depth Data from Equifax

Quizzle draws on Equifax’s in-depth data to create best-in-class credit analysis. “The depth, breadth, and freshness of Equifax data is unmatched in the industry,” says Equifax’s Meredith Griffanti. “We maintain multiple sources of information for the most accurate 360-degree view of consumers.”

Griffanti also points out that consumer credit files are updated constantly; the entire database is refreshed daily to deliver the most current information available. “In five years of comparisons against our competitors, our data has demonstrated superior predictive ability in more than two-thirds of the country.”

The data from Equifax is also very secure. “We have implemented a multi-layer system to keep consumer data secure,” says Griffanti. “Equifax is the only credit reporting agency — and one of a few U.S. companies — to earn ISO certification on our security management system.”

This means that consumers have access to a deep well of secure information that they can’t get anywhere else. Quizzle is the only place to get a completely free credit score plus Equifax credit report. Plus, the range of educational tools freely available to Quizzle users is unmatched in terms of data, analysis, and depth.

Information included in an Equifax credit file includes the following:

  • Identifying information: This information is not used in scoring, but it is available in your credit file. This information such as name, address, Social Security number, employment information, and date of birth.
  • Trade lines: Your credit accounts are shared on your credit report, and information about these accounts, including type of account (mortgage, bankcard, auto loan, etc.), the date the account was opened, and the amount of the loan or credit limit, is shared. You can also see your account balance and payment history on a credit report. This is the information that accounts for the bulk of your credit score.
  • Public record and collections: Judgments and liens, as well as bankruptcies, are reflected in your credit file. You will also see account information for debts that have been turned over to a third-party collection agency. This information might be included in your score.
  • Inquiries: Companies that have requested your credit file information, or viewed it, in the last two years are reported in your file. “Hard” inquiries (the inquiries you request when you apply for credit) affect your score, but “soft” inquiries that companies use for marketing purposes or other purposes don’t.

With access to your Equifax report and data, and with the powerful tools available to you through Quizzle, it’s possible to get an accurate and in-depth picture of your finances. Armed with this information, you should be able to analyze and take back control of your money.

Article Categories:
Credit And Debt

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