Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Beat Smartphone Addiction

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Happy trendy girl using smart phone

Welcome to Wise Bread’s Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on ways to overcome smartphone addiction, financial advice that you should ignore, and small ways to recharge this summer.

Top 5 Articles

15 Easy Ways to Overcome Smartphone Addiction — Avoid keeping your phone near your workstation while you are studying or working. [easyWays]

3 Pieces of Financial Advice You Shouldn’t Listen To — Certain types of debt are not inherently good or bad. “Good” debt is only good if it can help you reach your goals. [Everything Finance]

Small Ways to Recharge This Summer Without Going on Vacation — Zone out for 15 minutes with a leave-on sheet mask. One with cooling benefits is especially refreshing! [PopSugar Smart Living]

7 Roadblocks To Getting Organized When You Have Anxiety — Organization is hard for most people, and anxiety just adds another layer to the difficulty. Follow these steps to overcome common organization problems! [Get Organized Wizard]

How to Get Your Insurer to Pay Your Claims — Here’s what you need to know to avoid hassles and get a fair payment for a homeowner’s or auto insurance claim.

Article Categories:
Credit And Debt

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