All the Best

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What a great year it’s been. We’re so glad that so many of you come to the blog, read, comment, share and contribute. To end the year, we wanted to share some of the top posts on The Insurance Word—posts that spurred strong opinions, comments and a lot of views. Enjoy if you haven’t already seen them.1500795917-2544-fireworks

The LIFE family wishes you and your family all the best over the holidays and for the year to come!

Woops, Don’t Let Your Life Insurance Policy Lapse

Everyone knows that sinking feeling when you realize that you forgot to take care of an important item. It could be something as minor as forgetting to set the DVR for your favorite reality TV show. Or it could be something major such as leaving the house with a pot of boiling water on the stove. Like a swift punch to the gut, the sense of panic hits you like no other. I felt this same panic-stricken feeling when I realized I had let my life insurance policy lapse. Read more.

The Real Cost of Being Uninsured

It can be challenging to find the money to insure against a possible future event such as a major illness or debilitating accident when you’re facing real expenses or dealing with an insufficient income right now. It can be tempting to cross your fingers and hope for the best, putting insurance on the “deal with it later” list. But before you choose that option, you need to know the real cost of being uninsured. Read more.

20 Reasons You May Need Life Insurance After 60

Your children are grown and gone. The mortgage is paid off. You have minimal debts. So, why should someone 60 or older consider purchasing permanent life insurance? Here are 20 reasons you may want to rethink your decision to get rid of your coverage. Read more.

Protecting Your Children Now and for the Future

Your whole goal as a parent is to make sure your children navigate the space between birth and young adulthood as well protected as possible. But one item might be missing from your “must have” list: life insurance. While parents typically buy life insurance for themselves for the first time, or increase the amount on existing policies when they add new members to their family, they may overlook insuring those new additions with a policy of their own. Read more.

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